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Valeska Ting ANU working on neutron experiment

Professor Valeska Ting, a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), is a Professor of Smart Nanomaterials in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bristol, where she also serves as the Research Director for the Faculty of Engineering. From October 2022 to date, she holds the prestigious title of Associate Dean at the ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics (CECC).


With a dynamic team of 10 researchers under her leadership, Professor Ting is at the forefront of developing materials aimed at sustainable energy applications. Her exceptional work has been recognised through a £1.2M Research Fellowship granted by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).


Professor Ting's significant contributions to the field of sustainability were acknowledged when she was honoured with the Institution of Chemical Engineers’ Sir Frederick Warner medal in 2013. This esteemed international award is presented biennially. In the same year, she also received both the UK's Parliamentary and Scientific Committee's SET for Britain Gold Medal for Engineering and the highly regarded Westminster Medal.


In 2019, her expert counsel was further sought after, leading to her appointment to the EPSRC-led national Energy Strategic Advisory Committee. This committee provides strategic advice to multiple Research Councils, including EPSRC, NERC, BBSRC, ESRC, and STFC, on the ~£600M cross-Research Council Energy theme.


Women in Engineering 2020

Renowned for her work in sustainability, Professor Valeska Ting was rightfully recognised as one of the Top 50 Women in Engineering in 2020. She stands as an inspiring beacon for women in STEM, demonstrating through her own achievements the limitless potential women can attain in these fields.


A fervent advocate for science and engineering outreach, Professor Ting has delivered numerous public lectures on a variety of topics relating to materials and energy. Her contributions extend to visual media, such as her work with the Royal Institution where she created videos explaining the four laws of thermodynamics in support of the 2016 RI Christmas Lectures on Energy. These videos have since gained substantial traction, surpassing 828,000 views on YouTube. In recognition of her expertise, she has been featured as one of the BBC's BAME "Expert Voices."


In her persistent commitment to engage with key policy decision-makers, Professor Ting has participated in the University’s MP Question Time events and collaborated with the Department of Energy and Climate Change via the Royal Society Pairing Scheme. She was also handpicked to represent the Royal Society at the 2014 "Voice of the Future" event in the UK Parliament, an event broadcasted on the BBC’s Parliamentary Channel.


Adding to her diverse accomplishments, Professor Ting has been involved in several initiatives aimed at widening participation in science and engineering (such as In2Science, and Headstart), hoping to inspire more young minds to consider these fields as a rewarding career path. Join us as we continue to build a sustainable future under the leadership of Professor Ting.


  • Energy Generation

  • Hydrogen Fuel

  • Hydrogen Power In Vehicles

  • Nanomaterials

  • Sustainable Energy Storage

Selected publications

  1. M. Tian, M.J. Lennox, A.J. O’Malley, A.J. Porter, B. Krüner, S. Rudić, T.J. Mays, T. Düren, V. Presser, L.R. Terry, S. Rols, Y. Fang, Z. Dong, S. Rochat, V.P. Ting, Effect of pore geometry on ultra-densified hydrogen in microporous carbons, Carbon N. Y. 173 (2021) 968–979.

  2. J.L. Rowlandson, K.J. Edler, M. Tian, V.P. Ting, Toward Process-Resilient Lignin-Derived Activated Carbons for Hydrogen Storage Applications, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 8 (2020) 2186–2195.

  3. H. V. Doan, H. Amer Hamzah, P. Karikkethu Prabhakaran, C. Petrillo, V.P. Ting, Hierarchical Metal–Organic Frameworks with Macroporosity: Synthesis, Achievements, and Challenges, Nano-Micro Lett. 11 (2019) 54.

  4. J.L. Rowlandson, T.J. Woodman, S.R. Tennison, K.J. Edler, V. P. Ting, Influence of Aromatic Structure on the Thermal Behaviour of Lignin, Waste and Biomass Valorization. 11 (2020) 2863–2876.

  5. J.L. Wagner, E. Jones, A. Sartbaeva, S.A. Davis, L. Torrente-Murciano, C.J. Chuck, V.P. Ting, Zeolite y supported nickel phosphide catalysts for the hydrodenitrogenation of quinoline as a proxy for crude bio-oils from hydrothermal liquefaction of microalgae, Dalt. Trans. 47 (2018) 1189–1201.

  6.  M. Tian, A. Buchard, S.A. Wells, Y. Fang, L. Torrente-Murciano, A. Nearchou, Z. Dong, T.J. White, A. Sartbaeva, V.P. Ting, Mechanism of CO2 capture in nanostructured sodium amide encapsulated in porous silica, Surf. Coatings Technol. 350 (2018) 227–233.

  7. H. V. Doan, A. Sartbaeva, J.C. Eloi, S. A. Davis, V.P. Ting, Defective hierarchical porous copper-based metal-organic frameworks synthesised via facile acid etching strategy, Sci. Rep. 9 (2019) 10887.

  8. H. V. Doan, Y. Fang, B. Yao, Z. Dong, T.J. White, A. Sartbaeva, U. Hintermair, V.P. Ting, Controlled Formation of Hierarchical Metal-Organic Frameworks Using CO2-Expanded Solvent Systems, ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng. 5 (2017) 7887–7893.

  9. V.P. Ting, A.J. Ramirez-Cuesta, N. Bimbo, J.E. Sharpe, A. Noguera-Diaz, V. Presser, S. Rudic, T.J. Mays, Direct Evidence for Solid-like Hydrogen in a Nanoporous Carbon Hydrogen Storage Material at Supercritical Temperatures, ACS Nano. 9 (2015) 8249–8254.

  10.  V.P. Ting, P.F. Henry, M. Schmidtmann, C.C. Wilson, M.T. Weller, Probing hydrogen positions in hydrous compounds: Information from parametric neutron powder diffraction studies, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 14 (2012) 6914–6921.

  11. V.P. Ting, P.F. Henry, H. Kohlmann, C.C. Wilson, M.T. Weller, Structural isotope effects in metal hydrides and deuterides, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12 (2010) 2083–2088.

  12. V.P. Ting, M. Schmidtmann, C.C. Wilson, M.T. Weller, Cisplatin: Polymorphism and Structural Insights into an Important Chemotherapeutic Drug, Angew. Chemie. 122 (2010) 9598–9601.

University of Bristol
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